How to be a therapist: a guide for thoughtful clinicians

This is an evolving, growing “book” about how to be a therapist. It’s intended not just to be a “how-to” guide, but rather, a “how-to-do-it-well-and-thoughtfully-and-successfully” guide, a guide not just for every wannabe therapist, but a guide for therapists who are thoughtful about the kind of therapist they want to be, and about the interactions between their clinical decisions and their business decisions.

How to be a therapist: table of contents

Personal inventory

  • Your own treatment
  • Supervision
    • Individual
    • Group
    • Peer
  • Your interests and history and colleagues and friends
    • What’s your professional like going to look like, other than seeing patients?
  • Your relationship to money
    • What are your goals?
    • What are the obstacles you face? (internal? external?)

Transference and your practice

Your “brand”

Your name/practice name

  • Your web site/business cards/other promotional materials
  • The space in which you practice
  • Social media

Getting referrals

Establishing policies

  • Scheduling
  • Cancellation
  • Payment/delinquency/non-payment
  • Meeting in-person vs. meeting virtually

Communication with patients (e-mails, texts, phone calls, etc.)

Having first sessions

Establishing ongoing treatments

Setting fees

Billing/collections management

Collaborating with other mental health practitioners

HIPAA/other legal issues

Dealing with insurance companies


  • Corporate form
  • Banking
  • Record-keeping
  • Financial management
  • Taxes

Continuing education/analytic training

General comments on the culture of therapists